Monday, 17 June 2013

T-28 Marathon overview

1200 A is for...
1300 B is for...
1400 C is for...
1500 D is for...
1600 A Children's Experience
1700 E is for...
1800 F is for...
1930 Recital - "From Advent to Trinity", followed by supper
2200 G is for...
2300 H is for...
0000 IJK are for...
0100 L is for...
0200 M is for...
0300 N is for...
0400 O is for...
0500 PQ are for...
0600 S is for...
0700 T is for...
0800 U is for...
0900 V is for...
1000 W is for...
1100 XYZ are for...

(Breaks at 45 minutes past each hour. Longer breaks for 45 minutes before the recital and after the recital until 2200)

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